12 oktober, 2006


So you might be wondering, where am I? Don’t worry I’ll answer that question and a couple more.. There are a few that I’m guessing that you’re thinking and if you have others I’ll always be there for you, cause you’re as welcome here as a little puppy in my arms.
Think about for a second.

So first of all, What is Rosalita?
Rosalita isn’t a clothing brand. All the clothes you see are either my own, borrowed from friends or sometimes my own creations. They’re not for sale, unless you really, really want something and then I’ll see what I can do. Ok. So then the question still stands, What is Rosalita?!
Rosalita is a combination of everything I love. Mostly styling but also photography, fashion journalism, design and sewing. It’s a little step on the way to fulfilling my dreams; working in the fashion business. So if you’re like me; a struggling designer, interested fashion freak, amateur photographer or just simply like pretty clothes then you’ll feel right at home here. Because here we’re family, we help and inspire one another. We talk fashion, photography, designers, sewing, styling, magazines and shopping, most likely with a big cup of coffee in our hand.
And that is Rosalita.

So, what’s your style?
While styling others you can have fun. You can analyze their personality and make it shine threw. It’s the same for fashion photography, there are no limits. It can be extremely simple or shock the hell out of you. It’s not always what you would wear but it’s fun to look at. And that’s how I see it, artwork. Except for the body is my canvas and clothing my paint.

Since I’ve just started this project then the pictures you see are mostly my own personal style. So then again you say, what’s your style? My style is ever changing. But I promise that I’m not going to give you the cliché response, “I like to mix vintage with designer brands.”
I don’t care much for expensive brands.
Don’t get me wrong, I respect and admire very many designers. And some things that are handcrafted or exclusively made should cost a little sack of cash but it’s too bad when a purse costs you three months salary. I guess I just love the feeling of finding something beautiful for five bucks. So did I make myself clear, I have very many favorite designer labels and the designers that stand behind them are in my opinion geniuses.
Right now my style is simple. What ever I put on, be it a dress, skirt or jeans I keep it pretty simple. Instead, I’m a sucker for the details; a pretty ribbon, belt or gorgeous earrings can do a lot for a simple outfit. I don’t think I know a more useful piece of clothing than a white Hanes wife beater.

What can I expect to see here?
Like I mentioned, right now it’s very simple. It’s just a couple of pictures I’ve taken at home in my living room. But hopefully it will start to grow. I’ll post my blogs now and then with either new pictures, a little designer biography, interesting people or whatever pops up at the moment. I want everyone to feel free to ask any questions, post comments and discuss “the arts”. If you’ve enjoyed the site so far then I think you know what I mean, and hopefully you’ll feel right at home here. Is something you’re looking for missing, feel free to let me know.
Like I said, here we’re family and I hope that your stay is pleasant.