16 oktober, 2006


Time for a fall cleansing! And where better to start than your closet? I know it’s dreadful, trying to decide what stays and what goes. But I did it recently and it feels GREAT! So I’m here for you, here are the tips that you’ve probably heard a hundred times before but it’s time now. Trust me you’ll feel like a new person.

12 month expiration date
You know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t worn it within a year it’s got to go! Some might say a couple of months and that’s true too, but I’m giving you a fair chance. Cause the usual excuses are; “But it hasn’t been the right season.” “I’m saving it for a special occasion” or the dreadful “I’m going to wear it when I lose a few pounds”. Has it been a year then none of those excuses apply. It has to go, NOW! Which brings us to our next rule.

Just doesn’t sit right
We all have a few of them. The top that we just love but it’s just a bit too short, the skirt that’s a little too tight in the wrong places and the jeans that almost fit. I promise you, it doesn’t matter how many times you take it out, look at it and sigh, it’s never going to change. It’s just time to accept it.

When I lose a few
Are you guilty? Do you think those skinny clothes that you can’t fit into are going to make you loose those extra pounds faster? If anything it’s going to make you depressed. If it’s something that you just don´t have the heart to give away at least put it in the basement for now.

Not needed
Socks with holes, worn out cotton panties, 20 oversized sport t-shirts. Gone, gone, gone.

Out of fashion, but not forever
Yes, there are some clothes that you don´t wear that you can save. Some clothes aren’t wearable for a year or two and then suddenly come back. Pack it up for the time being so it doesn’t take up necessary space in your closet. Every now and then you can always check threw them and see what you can use again.

If you have the luxury of a walk in closet or at least a little space somewhere then try to hang up as much as possible. Tops, sweaters, cardigans, jeans, dresses; it’s both easier to find what you’re looking for and you avoid unwanted creases. If you have a big collection you can color coordinate your tops, if it’s a little smaller go from thickest to thinnest material. Jeans can hang two or three on a hanger to save place. Dresses and skirts can be hung up with hangers with clamps.

Piles of rejects
So now you hopefully have a pile of clothes that you can get rid of. The things that you want to save can be packed up in suitcases and stored in the basement/storage. The rest is either to distribute among your friends or leave at your nearest thrift store. Clothes with holes or which are of too poor quality goes in the trash.

And viola! You’ll feel like a whole new person. And now I think you deserve to go buy something pretty that you might be missing after this hopefully not too painful cleansing.