24 november, 2006

Rosalita with her head up in the clouds.

Sorry kids, being a hippie has it´s dark sides as well, who knew?

One of them is having too many ideas and not getting them done. But there are so many new things going on so please don´t give up on me yet.
Cause if you do you´ll miss out on some real goodies, no joke!

Come back soon dear.

11 november, 2006

Coffee and ruffles to go.

Wednesday. That´s The day; note the capital T. The day when I go by my sweet little café, get a latte to go and start my vintage scavenger hunt. These are my latest finds:

Floral makeup bag

"Little House on the Prarie" Dress

Turquoise blouse

Buckle Heels and Flannel Skirt

09 november, 2006

Rosalita Fall -06

Is there any season better than fall? I would have to say, probably. But this fall has been one of the best and just as it should be, a bit chilly but sun and blue skies as far as the heels will take you. Enjoy the fall, before you miss it!

06 november, 2006

Three ways to dress

As I see it there are in general about three ways to dress yourself. Not everyone is interested in fashion but everyone wears clothes everyday, hopefully. So dressing yourself is either a joy every morning or a pain. I can admit, it’s a pain for me too sometimes.

Anything goes
We’ve all fallen in to this category sometimes. First we have the whole group of people who simply aren’t interested. No offence to anyone, being interested in clothing is just like being interested in music and sports, it might not just be your thing..and that’s ok! But even I fall in to this category sometimes. I wake up, don´t really have any plans for the day and around 2 pm I have to drag myself out of the house to pick up some groceries. I throw on whatever is lying out, pull my hair up in the usual sloppy knot and head out. We’ve all done it, and it feels SO good! You can’t feel creative every day, and that’s ok, right?

The clothes do the trick
You might already have it or you may still be looking for it. That perfect little dress that just lights up the room, that t-shirt that’s just like you want it or the shoes that make everyone forget the rest of your outfit. Sometimes the clothes are so perfect just as they are that they don’t need anything else. Every outfit doesn’t have to be put together, sometimes it just…works. It’s nice to sometimes have something that you can put on and you know that you’re done, it doesn’t need an extra touch, easy as that!

The outfit does the trick
And then we have the rest of our closet. The piles of tops, skirts, jeans, cardigans and sweaters that are nice but not much more. They don´t really do anything special alone. That’s where the creativity has to take place. Mix and match, layer on layer, accessories, add a little here and there. That’s when the fun begins. But it’s not easy, what’s too much and what looks just right? There’s a thin line between looking well put together and over styled. It takes practice. A tip is not too many different accessories. Got the earrings and bracelet? Skip the necklace. Another one is keep it simple. Does your top make everyone stop in their tracks? Jeans and simple shoes should just about do it then. But I’m not here to lecture, you´re free to explore and trust me, some people are great at overdoing it!